Hung Shih-Cheng experienced the different teaching styles and educational systems of National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University of Arts, and Taipei National University of the Arts as a one-time art student of all three, allows him to take the perspective of a student trying to absorb the different styles and philosophies of painting under different academic settings. Thereby capturing different painting teaching styles and interpreting the possibilities of painting in the modern day using the vision of the artist's brain to create a microcosm of art in academy. In this exhibition, Hung Shih-Cheng sets off from the vantage of personal experience, and reflects on the development and evolutionary process of arts education in Taiwan.

1988810日 10/08/1988
台北 , 台灣 TaipeiTaiwan
+886 970 451 402 ioyoiioyoi@gmail.com

2016  國立臺北藝術大學美術創作碩士班繪畫組,休學
2014  國立臺灣師範大學美術學系碩士班西畫組,就讀中
2012  國立臺北藝術大學美術系,畢業
2006  新北市立永平高中美術班畢業,畢業

2015  駐村藝術家,空場藝術聚落,台北,台灣
2014  藝遊計畫,中國四川藏區,國家藝文基金會,台北,台灣
2013  駐村藝術家,板橋435藝文特區,新北市文化局,新北,台灣
2010  交換學生,國立高等美術學院,布爾莒,法國
2009  短期參訪,中央美術學院雕塑系,北京,中國
2007  暑期交流,列賓美院教授 Fedor Fedunin工作營,台北,台灣

2012  特優獎,美術學院學生個展獎助,台北藝術大學,台灣
2010  人文社會領域,學海飛颺出國研修補助補助,教育部,台灣
2005  入選, 西畫類高中職美術班組,全國學生美展,教育部,台灣

2015 「電塔式繁衍」,典藏創意空間,台北
2014 「那裡之後」,永平高中圖書館,新北
2013 「橘色透明電鋸」,自由人藝術公寓,台中
2013 「都木寫生」,艾隆藝文廚房,桃園
2012 「腦眼大決選」,日光大道藝術空間,台北
2012 「腦眼聯展」,南北畫廊,台北
2012 「腦先生工作室」,八又二分之一,台北

2016 Untitled.年度藝術家聯展,空場,台北
2016 Art Gwangjue,亞洲文化殿堂,光州,韓國
2016 True Beauty,Galerie Huit,中環,香港
2016 歡迎!歡迎!北藝碩士班畢業創作展,地下美術館,台北
2016 Young Art Taipei,台北喜來登大飯店,台北
2016 Hold On 2.0年度開放工作室,空場,台北
2016 UP26震在藝起賑災義賣會,空場,台北
2015 師生漆藝創作聯展,德群畫廊,台北
2015 Duncan創作聯展,南北畫廊,台北
2015 THE ROOM冬季工作室開放,板橋435藝文特區,新北
2015 漢字力量松菸原創基地節,松山文化園區,台北
2015 ㄒㄧㄤˋ台灣」阿波羅XNTPU 聯合策展,台北大學,新北
2015 New Life,Galerie Huit,中環,香港
2015 MOCA Taipie進擊的435,台北當代藝術館廣場,台北
2015 435 OPEN STUDIO夏季工作室開放,板橋435藝文特區,新北
2015 We are here!!藝術家工作室聯展,板橋435藝文特區,新北
2015 不太乖教育節,華山藝文特區,台北
2015 未央,青雲畫廊,台北
2015 「構圖台灣 III,台南生活美學館,台南
2015 師大雙年展,德群畫廊,台北
2015 The Music of art」慈善畫展,誠品敦南藝文空間,台北
2015 「構圖台灣 II,阿波羅畫廊,台北
2014 435 OPEN STUDIO冬季工作室開放,板橋435藝文特區,新北
2014 「不插電科技藝術展」,科藝廊,台北
2014 FREE ART FAIR,華山藝文特區,台北
2014 「構圖台灣 I,工業銀行,台北
2014 「新」103學年度碩士班新生展,地下美術館,台北
2014 「羅布計畫」,微藝廊,台南
2014 435 OPEN STUDIO夏季工作室開放,板橋435藝文特區,新北
2014 「一個二十年實踐」,日木安,台北
2014 NOMAD STUDIO,小路上,台北
2013 「超新星」,自由人藝術公寓、Art Anew gallery,台中
2013 435 OPEN STUDIO冬季工作室開放,板橋435藝文特區,新北
2012 「銀朱的海」27屆美術系畢展,地下美術館,台北
2011 「純天然」25屆美術系系展,地下美術館,台北
2011 Bilan,國立高等美術學院,Bourges,法國
2009 「好!夠了!23屆美術系系展,地下美術館,台北,台灣
2009 「掛羊頭賣狗肉」96級美術系班展,地下美術館,台北,台灣
2007 「接觸」99級雕塑系班展,實驗展場,台北,台灣
2006 「你那裡」9屆美術班畢展,圖書館藝廊,台北,台灣

Educational Background
2012 Fine arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
2011 Fine arts, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, France
2008 Sculpture, National Taiwan University of the Arts, Taiwan
2006 Art Class, Taipei County Yong Ping Senior High School, Taiwan

Solo Exhibitions
2012 Election between Mr. Brain and Mr. Eye, Sonnentor Café, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Brain+Eye=IOYOI, South-North Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Mr. Brain's Atelier, 8½, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan       
2011 Bilan, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Bourges, Bourges, France

Group Exhibitions
2012 The Sea of Vermilion, The 27th Graduation Exhibition, Underground Museum, Taipei,Taiwan
2009 The Exhibition of the 26th class, Underground Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 First Touch, National Taiwan University of the Arts, Experimental Space, New Taipei,Taiwan
2006 Your There, The Gallery of Taipei County Yong Ping Senior High School,New Taipei,Taiwan

2013 Art in residence: 435 Artist Studio, Cultural Affairs Bureau of New Taipei City,
New Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Exchange program: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Bourges,France
2009 Sculpture Exchange Program: China Central Academy of Fine Arts & National Taipei University of the Arts, Beijing, China
2007 Workshop: The Russian Academy of Arts Education, Oil Painting, Sketch, educator Fedor Fedunin, TPS workshop of art, New Taipei, Taiwan

2012 Advanced award, Excellent Award for Student Solo Exhibition, National Taipei University of the Arts, Taipei
2010 Study abroad scholarship, Ministry of Education, R.O.C., Taiwan
2005 Finalist Award, National Student Contest of Art Exhibition, Oil Painting, Ministry of Education, New Taipei, Taiwan